Galveston, Texas 2022

First let me just say, as HUGE fans of the show "Parks & Recreation," it was incredibly cool to find out that Ryan proposed to Ashton in the new house they just bought together. The nostalgia it brought back makes Josh and I almost cry.

With that sweet story, we can already tell that what Ashton and Ryan have is genuine and special. You can see that for yourselves in the way that these two look at each other. Man, talk about a photogenic couple too!

If you can believe it, Ashton even texted me beforehand and said they were awkward and not used to cameras. Their photos turned out to be this gorgeous golden hour session. The expressions on their face, the wind, the sand, and the sound of crashing waves on Galveston beach made it feel like these two were the only people in the world.

LEt's get to the details

and give you some tips :)

The Drive

If you live in the Houston area, the drive to Beachtown will take you about 45min-1 hour. Mind you, we had this shoot on a Friday night around sunset (for that golden hour). Time your departure accordingly because around 4-6pm is rush hour which will add an extra 25-35min to your drive! Otherwise, once you get to the island, you barely hit any traffic. Lastly, I'd check for any events/weather warning happening on the island just in case it affects your shoot!


For every engagement or couples shoot that we have, we suggest bringing two outfits. One for those formal pictures your grandma will want on her mantle, but also one casual one to be comfortable in. The casual outfit will also help you as a couple for the activity centered poses where we do things like skipping, embracing, spinning, and dancing.


For every location we shoot at, there’s always things that stand out to us that others should know about. One of these things is the gorgeous white bridge towards the water. Both pictures towards the water and away from it are picturesque. The site also offers free parking on the street. There’s also lots of green vegetation that will give you a more garden vibe for variation. Privacy is probably the best part of this location as there were barely any people around for this shoot.


What these photos didn't show you is the amount of swatting mosquitos we had to do. Haha. Definitely bring sunscreen and bug spray. I'd avoid fragrant perfumes just because we want to avoid any other reason for the bugs to bite haha. Another thing is there is going to be lots of sand. Nuff said. haha bring water to hydrate and wash those feet. Lastly, there are no public restrooms so prepare to do your outfit changes in your car.